Customer's inquiry

Company name
Representative's nameCEO
Date of establishmentMonthYearAuthorized capitalUSDPersonnel sizepeople
Corporate HP URL
EmailPhone number
Headquarter's location
Company introductionVietnam Representative office Yes No
Add ()
Investment plan
Desired price Less 5M 5~10M 10~50M 50~100M Over 100M
How many percentage of the company do you want to buy?%
Plan to expand business scale in Vietnam
Yes NoExport schedule of manufactured products Yes No
Desired date for M & A confirmation
Factory scaleTotal acreage Less 3.000m2 3.000m2~10.000m2 10.000m2~20.000m2 Over 20.000m2
Factory acreage Less 1.000m2 1.000m2~3.000m2 Over 3.000m2 Other
Age of factory Less 5 year 5~10 years 10~15 years Over 15 years
Takeover production line , etc.Production line Yes NoOther
Employee Yes No
Business partner (customer) Yes No
Warehouse request Yes No
(Desired acreage:)
LocationDistance from Hanoi Less 50km 50km~100km 100km~200km Over 200km
Near harbour Yes No
Favorite place if any
Are you interested in any factory? Yes No
Interaction with other consulting companies Yes No
Customer's request

(If you have any other opinions or requests, please feel free to write them down.)

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